by 4Experience Crew | Mar 30, 2016 | - Entertainment, - VR, Technology
CAVE Cave Automatic Virtual Environment. I’m thinking hard about how to compare it to VR goggles? Although they are completely different products, the assumptions are similar: convincing the user that he is in a different space, showing something that is not...
by 4Experience Crew | Mar 29, 2016 | - VR, Business, Technology
We are looking for information, and we always see only a piece of it. We got used to perceiving the world from such a perspective, from a distance. We do not like to be heavily involved in something. We should understand that showing just a slice of reality is a great...
by 4Experience Crew | Mar 24, 2016 | - VR, Business, News
Upgrade the Working Process with VR The challenge for business is not to create the deepest experience, but the most valuable one. The report of Goldman Sachs predicts that games and video entertainment will constitute less than half of the software for VR (virtual...
by 4Experience Crew | Mar 18, 2016 | - Entertainment, - VR, Technology
It must be a wonderful feeling. You are standing in the middle of emptiness. You look around. Nothing. Why not create a surface? Maybe the sun? I remember the opening phrase of “The Divine Julius” by Boheński: “Would anyone of you like to become a god?” It...
by 4Experience Crew | Mar 17, 2016 | - Entertainment, - VR, Business, News, Technology
Our education largely depends on coincidence. We do not know what teachers we will have in a given course? Will they make a good impression on us? Will they inspire or discourage us? Will they have a gift to share their passion with us? As always, there are great...
by 4Experience Crew | Mar 16, 2016 | - VR, Business, News, Technology
An excess of something does not have to be a bad thing. We should not have a negative attitude to it or perceive it as chaos, in the raging world. Question: What can we do with it? Every day there is spicy news about pioneering applications of virtual reality,...