KISS: Keep it smart and simple

KISS: Keep it smart and simple

Training in virtual reality is a perfect example of how simple solutions deal with complex problems. Comprehensibility, clarity, flexibility, and adaptation to specific needs – these are just a few of the many advantages of innovative VR training! If something...
Virtual Reality Initiative

Virtual Reality Initiative

As far as I remember, the University of Colorado has launched  a program, Virtual Reality Initiative this year. Why? To provide its students with equal access to VR technology! Although I look up to Polish higher education, such news really surprise me. In a positive...
Virtual Reality and Journalism

Virtual Reality and Journalism

We are looking for information, and we always see only a piece of it. We got used to perceiving the world from such a perspective, from a distance. We do not like to be heavily involved in something. We should understand that showing just a slice of reality is a great...