Tell Me and I Forget…

Tell Me and I Forget…

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin This paper is going to address a somewhat unconventional topic –  books. Why? Because they show a regularity on social needs, and the essence of any business is to...
TED 2016 + Virtual Reality

TED 2016 + Virtual Reality

Could there be a better place to present innovations from the world of technology and entertainment than Technology, Entertainment, and Design (TED) conferences? Virtual reality, augmented reality, and video360 dominated the CES in January, and now it is time for new...
Blue Ocean Strategy meets VR

Blue Ocean Strategy meets VR

“Technology has to be invented or adopted.” Jared Diamond Investing in the industry of virtual reality development of products provides a unique opportunity to create business in the market areas that have not been developed yet. What sounds like  an abstract idea is...