Virtual Reality and Fantom Limb Pain

Virtual Reality and Fantom Limb Pain

Imagine that you have no arm or leg … and it still hurts. You fill it like a constant contraction. It hurts, but it is not there. We call it the phantom pain. It occurs after amputation. Many amputations are planned in advance as they are related to the disease...
Children and Virtual Reality

Children and Virtual Reality

“We only know ourselves to the extent that we have been tested,” Wislawa Szymborska wrote in her poem “A minute of silence after Louise Wawrzyński.” It is difficult to predict how we may behave in a stressful situation that will require  taking...
Sellers vs Virtual Reality

Sellers vs Virtual Reality

Without Competitiveness There Is No Success Who nowadays has enough time to stroll through the city to visit local shops, hidden in a maze of streets. What these shops have to offer is far from big brand shops, which are systematically changing assortment and...