by 4Experience Crew | Feb 1, 2017 | - Entertainment, - Gaming, - VR
Everyone heard about EVE: Valkyria where you are an elite space fighter pilot, but there are many games that should turn our attention too. Many of them are ‘early-access’ games so it means that in a short time we will receive very interesting titles. 1. RAW Data Raw...
by 4Experience Crew | Jan 28, 2017 | - VR, News, Technology
This is not a message for people who work every day with VR, because they certainly are aware of that fact. These things should be obvious to them. What things? That we can not judge VR worlds (and experiences) without being inside them. Why is that? When we are...
by 4Experience Crew | Jul 14, 2016 | - VR, News, Technology
Have you ever wondered on which side of the Force you would like to be? Yes, this question can be treated as a short psychological test about our relation to the transformations of contemporary culture and entertainment, including the VR. But it’s not about our...
by 4Experience Crew | May 3, 2016 | - VR, News, Technology
Is sight important? Without a doubt. It’s considered as the most important of the senses and also the most difficult to repair. Although the value of surgeons’ skills has been already recognized, there are limits which modern medicine still cannot overcome. Of course,...
by 4Experience Crew | Apr 27, 2016 | - VR, Business, News, Technology
It all began from them… Of course, virtual reality has its own story, but it is a constant search for (and use) of new technologies in the military that has led to the subsequent innovative use of VR in medicine and other areas. I’m not an expert on...
by 4Experience Crew | Apr 25, 2016 | - VR, News, Technology
I really do not know what to say … I am looking for a hidden idea of the message I have in front of my eyes: Oculus VR founder thinks that VR may affect your ability to perceive time passing. Initially, this information aroused my gentle smile, but on the second...