Games? Forget about games! The future of virtual reality is something more that that. Here are the best training applications that have been made so far. The areas where VR has been used may surprise you, but they show perfectly its capabilities. The future belongs to these innovative tools that will help you hone your skills in a short time.
1. American Football
Success in this sport depends on many things, not just hours of endurance training. What matters in team sports is the ability to make quick decisions and respond appropriately to the current situation. With VR training, young players can gain experience, which will greatly improve their performance on the pitch during a real match. It is important that such training can take place even in the living room.

2. Conflict De-escalation (Link)
This is probably the first VR application to help the police take appropriate actions to de-escalation a conflicts. The need to create such a simulation in the US arose in response to public appeals regarding excessive use of force by police officers.

3. Health Assessment (Link)
Is it possible to diagnose the patient’s condition with the help of VR goggles? Yes, if the problem can be identified on the basis of eye movements abnormalities. With contact sports such as boxing or American football, before allowing the player to continue the game, you can quickly check if the injury has more serious consequences than those the player has reported himself.

4. Ship Simulator (Link)
Well, in this case we do not use VR goggles, but get into a brilliant simulator, developed for Delgado Community College, which reflects the realism of controling different types of boats to such an extent that the participant can get seasick. Safety first! The project worth $ 7mln provides comprehensive training for experienced and aspiring skippers on various types of boats and in different conditions and environments.
5. Training for “Doctors Without Borders” (Link)
Training app was developed for a non-governmental, international medical humanitarian organization, ”Doctors Without Borders” (MSF).The organization was created with the belief that all humans have the right to medical care and treatment and that this law is more important than any country borders. “Doctors without Borders” risk their lives to provide medical help to people affected by war in the areas abandoned by representatives of other organizations in fear for their lives.