The internet is full of news about Web3, the metaverse, NFTs and cryptocurrencies. New digital transformation is happening in front of our eyes, so it may be hard to stay on track with all the news and new technologies.

But let’s focus on one point at a time. A recent PwC study shows that 67% of companies are actively engaged in creating the metaverse. Furthermore, 82% stated it would be business as usual in the next three years. You can read more about metaverse here. But how do you go about entering this virtual realm on a business level?

We recommend you consider implementing virtual reality solutions. After all, VR is becoming the most popular way to enter the metaverse. So let’s find out how exactly you can benefit from virtual reality and why VR consulting is an excellent solution for you.

Advantages of brand evolution 

More and more people and companies are adopting virtual reality. Businesses are building their virtual worlds, virtual shops or organizing virtual events for the onboarding/recruitment process. In addition, they are implementing VR training as a cost-effective and more efficient solution.

Virtual spaces are where entrepreneurs meet to share their knowledge and ideas, find customers and promote their products. Why?

Because virtual reality offers much, almost every industry can implement VR to achieve a competitive advantage. In addition, this cutting-edge technology is now in the growing stage, so being an early adopter can elevate your business. And yes, creating VR business solutions is an investment, but the ROI is fast and high. So, are you ready to innovate?

Examples of benefits depending on VR solutions

Woman in VR headset with another woman analyzing her performance

VR Training

A PwC study shows that VR training is much more effective than traditional methods. People who learn through VR Training are 275% more confident to apply skills learned after training. Moreover, they are 3,75x more emotionally connected to the training content than classroom learners.

You should also notice that VR training takes less time than other methods. For example, the mentioned PwC study stated that training which takes 2 hours in a classroom, can be completed in 29 minutes with VR. So you can save money by not booking your effective employees to teach others. Also, during VR training, people are more focused; even if they experience distractions, they get back on task faster.

Why does it all matter? Because with VR training, you save time and money (even 30%) and have a skilled employee onboard faster (which increases your productivity!).

VR Experience for Customers 

By offering a VR experience to your customers, you can immerse them in your product or service. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty. In addition, your brand awareness can increase. For example, 84% of stakeholders forecast VR as a game-changer in customer experience (CX) initiatives. And it’s worth noticing that customers are 86% more likely to pay for your product if you provide them with a great customer experience.

Also, you can create a virtual try-on experience or find other ways to let people try your product in VR, which will show the uniqueness of your business and lead to repeat customers and larger orders.

And again, it’s cost-effective due to no need for physical prototypes or expensive marketing materials. Sounds good? 

Coworking in VR

VR coworking spaces became popular during COVID-19 and have stayed with many businesses till now. People can work together in a dedicated area and use the equipment they would use while being in the actual office together (whiteboards, presentations etc.).

Coworking in VR allows people to interact with each other on a higher level than during a Zoom call. In addition, there’s no need to travel, so costs are much lower than when you want to have all your remote employees in one place. You can open your business to recruit people from around the world and find the best specialist without worrying about the relocation costs.

As in VR training, people coworking in virtual reality are more focused than during a call, and the distractions are minimal. So when you need them to commit to a task fully, it’s much more effective than traditional digital methods.

Have a trusted and honest partner

It’s not easy to jump into another digital evolution on your own. Many companies needed to change during COVID-19 and learn how to work in a different model, primarily based on virtual interactions and remote work. We know it was hard, but you did it, and we’re sure it worked well. Now everyone is talking about the next changes. So we’re here to help. 

If you are ready to take the first step, try our VR consulting service. It starts with a conversation. We want to know more about your company’s challenges and have detailed knowledge about your goals. It’s all about you because new solutions should be designed to support your business and achieve great results.

That’s why we only provide custom solutions. We want to fully answer your requirements and the specific details of your business model. After all, every company is different. What’s more, we will give you the numbers after talking to you, never upfront, as we don’t want to under- or overestimate your project costs.

We will advise you about all the solutions that suit you and warn you if it’s not the time for some of them. We want you to fully understand what is possible and valuable at the time and what can wait or won’t support your business the way you want to.

We won’t advise you to spend money on something we won’t believe is a good solution. We want our clients to succeed and to build long-term relationships with them. VR consulting is something that should help your business grow innovatively.

Trust the experts

A team from 4Experience, experts in the field of VR consulting

After initial VR consulting, we can recommend organizing workshops with different tech people to make a complex concept for the solution we both agreed would be good as a first step. We have a high-skilled team, including business consultants, designers, artists and developers. All those people work with us every day and match our values.

We believe that great results come when you use gamification, so don’t be surprised when you’ll meet one of our game designers while talking about training or marketing solutions. Our Art team will present you with the graphic options and let you decide. Our business developers will help you understand what side of the project is worth putting more effort into and where you can cut costs, depending on your goals.

Don’t make a huge investment – check the concept

We know that making a huge investment seems very risky, so if you decide to start a project we can offer you making an MVP (minimal viable product) or PoC (proof of concept) at first.

Proof of concept (POC) is a simple version showing basic mechanics and proving that the goal can be achieved as we planned it. On the other hand, MVP is more complex, but it has limitations – it’s a demo version of a complete solution.

After this stage, you can decide if a solution is going in the right direction to fulfill the requirements and achieve assumed goals. You can adjust the concept at this point. Then we can talk about making the full version of the software. 

Why you should start this journey with a partner

We believe it’s not essential to know all of the details of the new technology if you have a partner you can trust. A partner that understands your vision and won’t let you burn money on something that won’t work for your company.  Someone who will check with you if your organization is ready to take the next step into innovations. 

We offer VR consulting services as we are experienced in the field of immersive technology and have a lot of expertise in advising our clients from a business perspective. It’s important to know that the people you are working with care about your company and goals on the same level that you do. 

Read more about our VR consulting offer and schedule a free consultation with our experts today!

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Joanna Herczyńska sqr

New technologies enthusiast. She bought her own VR headset after using one for a few minutes. Always a busy cognitive science student 🙂