Talented employees are a scarce resource, especially when it comes to specialistic jobs that require vast technical skills. The market is flooded with job offers, and people are becoming picky, so it’s often hard to attract them to your company. Moreover, your competition is probably eager to take them away from you even once they’re onboard.

Attracting and retaining talented employees is a critical factor of a successful business. We’d take this statement further and say that good staff is a company’s most valuable asset. If the employees don’t have great motivation, technical knowledge and soft skills, an organization cannot succeed. So there should be no shortcuts when it comes to finding and keeping good employees.

How to attract and retain employees?

Attracting and retaining talented employees is a challenge, no question. Some well-known and effective ways of making your company attractive to people searching for a job include building a solid social media presence and putting effort into employer branding. But of course, your business has to offer some value to future employees for EB to be effective.

There are several actions that you can take to attract talented employees and make them stay. Offering competitive salaries and benefits packages is one way. But it oftentimes gives only short time motivation and isn’t always possible. So what other options are there? We grouped them into four categories.

  • Creating a positive and appealing company culture.
  • Providing opportunities for professional development and growth.
  • Creating an environment that is conducive to creativity and innovation.
  • The option to work from home or go on workations.

Ideas that utilize extended reality (XR) solutions

As we established, there are at least five groups of actions a company can take to attract and retain talented employees. What may come as a surprise, extended reality can help you in every one of these categories. How?

An appealing company culture can be facilitated by a good onboarding program, and professional development is easier with great training opportunities. Further, an environment that encourages creativity and innovation requires modern and practical tools. You also need tools for remote work if that’s something your company wants to offer. Virtual, augmented, and mixed reality can provide the tools and training programs you need. Let’s find out how.

Virtual reality using for attracting and retaining talented employees

Providing a great onboarding experience

A good onboarding program can help in attracting and retaining talented employees by establishing a positive first impression and setting proper expectations for the role. It can create an environment of trust, provide resources to help new employees succeed, and ensure their skills and contributions are valued.

A well-designed experience also serves as a platform for ongoing learning and development, allowing newcomers to grow and develop in their roles. Onboarding programs can also provide an opportunity for managers to engage with new hires and build relationships, which can help create an atmosphere of commitment and loyalty.

Augmented and virtual reality in onboarding

Augmented reality is a fantastic technology for onboarding applications. For example, you can create an AR app that will overlay directions and information onto surfaces in the building. This will help new hires explore their workspace and become familiar with the layout of the office. 

You can also use augmented reality to create an interactive and engaging manual. By displaying digital instructions on physical objects, the app will help users learn new tasks and procedures quicker and more naturally. 

Finally, virtual and augmented reality can also be used to simulate real-life scenarios that newcomers are likely to encounter on the job. With such VR/AR experiences, they can practice how they would respond in a safe environment before having to do so in a real situation.

Exceptional growth opportunities

Attracting and retaining talented employees is a lot easier when you give them opportunities to learn and grow professionally. Training programs can help build a sense of loyalty and commitment to the organization and can also provide an opportunity for staff to develop new skills and knowledge. This can lead to greater job satisfaction.

As an added bonus, training opportunities also provide a platform for managers and colleagues to collaborate on projects, which can also contribute to a more productive and engaged workplace.

The benefits of virtual reality training

When it comes to employee training, our experience proves that nothing works as well as VR experiences. Participants gain knowledge faster and remember more after completing the program. Walmart reported an 80% decrease in training time for employees that used virtual reality.

So thanks to VR, your staff can participate in training sessions during their work hours without noticeable downtimes. This type of training is also more effective than lectures, so your employees can learn more and faster. It’ll surely encourage people who truly want to grow and innovate to join your organization. Check out this VR soft skills training project we’ve completed to find out more about VR training solutions.

Innovative and effective tools

Giving employees access to the newest and most effective tools makes less of their work focused on repetitive and mundane tasks. This way, they can be more creative and focus on other aspects, such as developing more efficient procedures and innovations. It also keeps them more motivated and, because of that, more efficient. Let’s look at some XR tools you might want to consider.

VR & MR solutions for professional applications

Virtual and mixed reality can create ultrarealistic simulations not only in training scenarios. They also work great when creating 3D mockups and prototypes of products. This allows teams to test out features and designs without having to invest in physical materials. VR and MR can also be used for visualizing data, such as tracking customer behavior or analyzing marketing campaigns, and for creating interactive presentations. 

A man experiencing virtual reality training

Remote work

Working from home was first widely introduced during the pandemic and has now become a standard in many industries. Recently, more and more companies also offer workations. It typically involves staying in a new place for an extended period of time while still being able to perform daily work tasks. Many people enjoy these types of benefits, so offering them in your workplace can help in attracting and retaining talented employees.

XR tools for remote work

First of all, remote workers need a way to communicate and collaborate smoothly with their team members. Although software like Discord, Zoom and Slack fulfill their role as communication tools relatively well. But there’s a difference between being in the same room and seeing each other through a computer screen.

VR helps create a more natural atmosphere and makes conversations more engaging. Additionally, with virtual and mixed reality, users have the ability to interact with 3D objects and environments in real time, which can further enhance collaboration and creative thinking. Finally, with XR, you can create interactive 3D presentations, which opens up completely new opportunities for visualizing data and ideas.

Let’s make your company grow with XR

XR can make a massive difference in attracting and retaining talented employees, and it’s definitely worth considering if you want to set your business apart from the competition. At 4Experience, we believe we can change the world with XR. One company at a time. Will yours be next? Drop us a line, and we’ll get back within a few hours to schedule a free 60-minute consultation!

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