The safe way is the best way
The client is a startup from Norway that wants to revolutionize the training industry with Intelligent Immersive VR Training Systems. They gather training consultants from various industries and design comprehensive and innovative training programs whose purpose is to be implemented in VR.

Aviation safety
Emergency services
VR training
HTC Vive
Unreal Engine
Visual results video
Business Value
We don’t practice until we can get it right.
We practice until we can’t get it wrong.
VR Training for Flight Deck Officers allows near-reality level training in various scenarios on a helicopter deck. This includes emergency situations that can’t be properly simulated or are very hard to simulate in real life.
Thanks to VR it’s possible to train all the different scenarios within the same facility. No need to travel and engage expensive equipment and professionals. The low cost and quick setup of the VR training mean the training can be completed much faster.
The course consists of theory, memorizing of movements and behavior. And practical training in VR. Typical environments include helicopter decks on offshore oil rigs, supply ships, cruise ships, ferries, and onshore helidecks. The simulation covers technical knowledge, deck operations and procedures, communication, signaling and fighting fires.
Thanks to the nature of VR it’s possible to arrange various situations in minutes and to perform the training in remote locations outside the established facilities. Having multiple scenarios the target participant list includes Rescue Personnel, (including Helicopter Emergency Medical Service), Firefighters, Police, and other civil and military rescue workers.
When faced with a challenge, look for a way, not a way out
The challenge that the clients face is to implement an immersive and responsive environment to train helicopter pilots in various weather conditions and real-life situations.
The motivation for this training is strongly guided by the difficulty and danger associated with arranging an actual training situation. Once the trainee acquires the basic skill set it is all about training in practice, which is exceptionally expensive and hard to arrange without VR.
The main challenge was creating the training in a way that resembles the harsh environments of some landing situations. Such as landing on a carrier ship during a storm at sea. A lack of precision is dangerous when the margin of error is small.
Technology stack
To create the presented application, we used Unreal Engine 4. It was best suited to rendering realistic surroundings.
We have also used 3ds max and Substance Suite.