This project was an arcade game – ski jumping simulation in virtual reality. The client’s requirement was to create a simple VR ski jumping application that would evoke strong emotions for the user. Our responsibility here was to find the best solution for the client’s needs. Without unnecessary elements. Just height, jumps and emotions.

Entertainment Gaming
Maya zBrush
Samsung Gear VR
Google Cardboard
VR ski jumping game
The client needed a simple and fun VR ski jump application that could be a perfect complement to his stand during industry events or fairs, where they presented her equipment.
The key was to trigger positive associations with the brand and to encourage the client to stay longer at the stand. It was also supposed to be a way to stand out from the competition.
In addition, VR training was to show dangerous situations that can happen when we skip or neglect some important activity. The client wanted the app’s environment not to be too distracting – it was to contain only the most important elements, specific to the workplace described by the client.
Process and project scope
Experience in the field of VR and e-commerce
Unlike any other medium, VR is suitable for building really strong emotions. Our duty here was to find the best solution for the client’s needs, both in terms of the best equipment and the proposal of the application itself.
Business value
We showed the client several applications that were able to induce very similar strong emotions in the user. The height was of particular interest. We used it to design the game in which the most interesting elements were height, flight, competition and the ski theme. And, in short, the results were amazing!
Technology stack
The VR ski jumping app was prepared for Unity 3D, low graphics in Maya and ZBrush, and the whole optimized for Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard.

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