For many years Eurokreator has been focused on creating relations. It connects scientific communities with business and integrates local governments around joint ventures.
The company also concentrates on finding technological solutions for education, being able to provide sources of funding for good ideas and creating strategies for their development.

Clothing Industry
VR fashion app
360 video
Samsung Gear VR
Unity 3D
Transfer fashion and clothing know-how to VR for good measure
The assumption of the project was to present innovative solutions that appear in the clothing industry. As consumers, we often do not realize that technology is also developing in a very dynamic way in areas such as the fabrics manufacturing process or clothing production.
It often happens that people who want to get involved in these realms are unaware of the latest trends and do not have knowledge about the new opportunities they could seize.
The client wanted us to create a VR fashion application that would familiarize users with all the pieces of information that could help them better understand the intricacies of the clothing industry.
Process and project scope
Business value
Mission accomplished
The final product is a cutting-edge VR fashion application consistent with the client’s mission. The application has an educational value and promotes the client’s activities through innovative products.
Technology stack
Geared to be in vogue
The VR fashion application described above was to be portable, which is why we designed it for Samsung Gear VR devices. The ability and ease of user interaction with the app were also important, which was the reason we gave up Google Cardboard. The application was developed in Unity 3D and additional props were created in Maya.