eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, headteachers, librarians, etc.), working in a school in one of the European countries involved, to communicate, collaborate, develop projects and to be part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. Now, with help of our VR educational app, any company worker will stay up to date no matter what.

Unity 3D
Samsung Gear VR
Google Cardboard
Visual results video
Business value
Keeping in touch
eTwinning offers a platform for staff (teachers, headteachers, librarians, etc.) working in schools in the European countries involved in the program. The platform enables communication, collaboration, project development features, sharing. In short, it makes people feel that they are part of the most exciting learning community in Europe. The VR application profoundly supports these assumptions. Furthermore, due to its immersion factor, it is simply memorable.
Voice the company’s educational mission
The client wanted to use VR to help implement the company’s main mission: promotion of education, learning and collaboration across Europe. They wanted us to share information about their activities in a unique and engaging way – by ordering a VR educational app. It was important that the entire experience be a mini-game in which users discover new things and try to enter a mysterious room.
Process and project scope
Technology stack
Geared up for a versatile educational experience
Due to the fact that the application was to be available for as many devices as possible, we decided that the best solution would be to prepare it for Samsung Gear VR and Google Cardboard devices. We prepared the entire app structure using the Unity 3D engine.