Tipitap is a promoter, educator and creator of applications that introduce a new quality in early education. The venture believes that mobile devices are a key force in generating quality education for all young children. The key is to understand the needs of young kids, their parents, and teachers.

VR game
Samsung Gear VR
Unity 3D
Visual results video
Business value
Entertainment and medicine combined for the well-being of children
We managed to create an innovative product that combines the fields of medicine and virtual reality. The VR vaccination app is easy to use and effective. All activities related to giving an injection are reflected in the virtual world and they affect the avatar displayed on the screen.
The difference, however, is that these virtual activities are of a positive nature. The child is looking forward to the end of the tale and it is his or her curiosity that lets them go through the injection-related activities without stress.
Adults understand the world better and are willing to accept unpleasant experiences for the sake of their health, for example. Children, on the other hand, demonstrate a different type of sensitivity and perception of reality. But thanks to the magic of VR, we can turn a difficult situation into a magnificent adventure.
Although this was not the main goal of the project, such undertakings usually prove very useful by strengthening a company’s positive brand image.
De-stress children visiting the doctor
Vaccinations and other forms of injections are traumatic experiences for many children. So why not use VR to make them bearable, or even turn them into exciting adventures?
We know for sure that the process of immersing children in the virtual world is almost instantaneous. This can offer numerous benefits for a relatively short activity like giving an injection. Martin de Santos and Rod Benadon from Tipitap wanted us to create a VR vaccination app that would aim at reducing stress and pain in children when getting vaccinated.
Process and project scope
Technology stack
The world of injections seen through “rose-colored” Gear VR spectacles
This VR vaccination app was developed in Unity 3D. The user (patient) wears Samsung Gear VR glasses, and the application scenario – which is connected with the specific steps during the injection process – is navigated through the nurse’s mobile device. In this way, we have the app’s Admin and User profiles.