Building Safety Culture – VR Training

A strong safety culture is rooted in the belief that accidents can be prevented, and it permeates every level of an organization, from top management to the frontline workers. Prioritizing safety not only reduces the risk of accidents and injuries but also boosts employee morale, productivity, and overall organizational reputation.

In an age where the well-being of employees is closely linked to the success of a business, cultivating a robust safety culture is not just a moral imperative but a strategic one

MissionOne - submarine interior view

Project overview

project overview

The app features two levels: a Tutorial and the Production Hall.

Players navigate by teleporting. On their left wrist, they have a watch that displays the status of hazards, both found and unfound, which randomly pop up in specific areas of the Hall. This watch also provides hints and a shortcut to the main menu.

Players must identify and pinpoint 11 distinct hazards across 3 categories, with 4 appearing in a single session. After identifying these hazards, players must reach a final point to conclude the game, all within a 5-minute timeframe. If they exceed this limit, the game scenario ends abruptly.


MissionOne helicopter interior

Business value

Foster a safety culture in the workplace

The primary objective of the application is to offer virtual safety training for staff members. This training aims to heighten their awareness of workplace safety protocols. Once trained, employees should be more vigilant of their environment and adept at handling potential hazards.

The VR safety training application can bring many business values to an organization:

Reduced Workplace Incidents: By training employees on potential hazards, the app can significantly reduce the number of accidents and mishaps in the workplace, leading to fewer disruptions and lower associated costs.

Engaging Learning Experience: Modern employees, especially younger generations, often prefer interactive and tech-driven learning experiences. The app can cater to this preference, making training more engaging and effective.

Increased Productivity: A safe environment with fewer disruptions can lead to smoother operations and increased productivity. Employees who are confident in their safety can focus better on their tasks.

Improved Employee Morale: A safe environment can boost employee morale. When employees feel that their safety is a priority, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and loyal to the company.




Fostering a safety culture presents several challenges, but one of the most significant is changing ingrained behaviors and mindsets. Many employees, especially those in the industry for a long time, might have become complacent or accustomed to certain ways of doing things, even if those methods are unsafe.

Overcoming this inertia requires more than just rules; it demands a shift in attitudes and perceptions about safety.


Realistic Scenarios: The app can simulate real-life workplace situations, allowing employees to practice their responses in a risk-free environment. This hands-on approach can help change behaviors as employees can see the consequences of their actions in the virtual world before applying their knowledge in the real world.

Consistent Messaging: The app ensures that every employee receives the same high-quality training, ensuring consistent messaging about the importance of safety. This uniformity can help establish a common understanding and expectations across the organization.

MissionOne helicopter interior - second post

Technology stack

Unity - the main tool used by 4Experience

This training platform was created for the Meta Quest 2 headset

The technologies and tools we used for development include the Unity engine, C#, and Hurricane VR. Our Art Team worked mostly with Blender and Substance Painter to deliver dedicated 3D models and environments. To create the UI we used Figma.

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