VR Soft Skills Training
Our client, MissionOne, needed a tool to help businesses improve their communication & teamwork, leadership and accountability culture. In collaboration with 4Results and their expertise in soft skills training, we created an engaging VR simulator.
The idea was based on the true story of Captain David Marquet, commander of the USS Santa Fe. Thanks to his new model of leadership, he turned an underperforming team into one of the best ones out there.
We’re happy to announce that Mission One has won a Netty Award for our innovative work in the App & Software – App of The Year category! This proud moment underscores our commitment to excellence for our clients.
Interested in using this training in your company or training center?

Project overview
The action of this VR soft skills training takes place in a submarine and a helicopter during rescue missions. To properly run this training, seven people need to attend – five of them control the submarine, and two are in a helicopter. The app includes three different missions and tutorials.
The significant uniqueness of this project is the extraordinary communication mechanic. In the beginning, trainees only know about their responsibilities in the vehicle but have no idea what others can do.
Therefore, the only way to find out how to properly complete a mission is to talk to others to discover in what position they are sitting and what their possibilities are.
These mechanics put a strong focus on teamwork, as people are fully dependent on each other. Even when trainees in the submarine discover how to work together, they need to have perfect communication with the helicopter crew, because every mission includes their cooperation.
Business value
Great training makes a great leaders
MissionOne Ltd. aims to provide businesses with tools to enhance soft skills training processes for leaders & business teams.
By combining our client’s expertise in the field of training and our experience in creating VR applications, we have created a tool that takes soft skills training to the next level.
VR soft skills training is immersive, gamified and very engaging. This way, participants are not only willing to develop and learn but also enjoy it and put effort into achieving the best results.
MissionOne Ltd. offers this solution in a subscription model for companies and training centers. If you’d like to find out more, visit their website.
Their team was highly dedicated and engaged, we appreciated how they really wanted to help us and deliver a valuable product. All the necessary specialists were in-house employees and you could really feel that they had a lot of experience with VR applications. Their coding skills were top-notch – the code was clean and clear.
The end users were also impressed with the VR training platform 4Experience developed. They valued its intuitive UI, engaging nature and effectiveness. All in all, we’re satisfied with the cooperation.
Jakub Wyrobek, Co-Founder & CTO at MissionOne
Focus on communication and teamwork
Strong focus on communication – scenarios were based on an extraordinary mechanic, where nobody knew what the other team members could do. Moreover, implementing a reliable communication system for eight people to talk without disruptions was a must-have.
Real teamwork simulation – each trainee had to have a tangible impact on completing the objectives.
Flawless UI – we needed to ensure that the UI was clear and understandable. A complicated interface could affect the result of the training simulation. Moreover, it had to be accessible for people unfamiliar with VR.
Immersive environment – we put a solid effort into the graphic design. Our Art Team researched extensively to imitate the inside of the submarine and helicopter properly.
Effective testing – there had to be seven people engaged in every QA session. We also rotated the testers to ensure high testing quality.
Two apps integration – the project included two applications: one for the trainees and the second for the trainer. The training coordinator’s app has an analytics module so the performance of attendees can be measured and evaluated in real-time.
Process and project scope
Technology stack
This training platform was created for the Meta Quest 2 headset. We are working on porting the application to the Pico Neo 3 environment. This way it can reach a wider audience.
The technologies and tools we used for development include the Unity engine, C# and Photon. Our Art Team worked mostly with Blender and Substance Painter to deliver dedicated 3D models and environments.