The customer is an international toy manufacturer who supports his promotional activities by adding mobile applications related to his products. Thanks to our AR pet app he could present his offer to the youngest customers anytime, anywhere.

AR remote support app example of use 2




Toy manufactures



3D modeling




Unity 3D

Visual results video

Business value

Have fun with your AR pet anywhere you go

Our innovative solution helps in building a competitive advantage in the market. Thanks to the AR application, the client received an unmatched promotional tool for his main business, very engaging and easy to use.

Simply direct a mobile device to the chosen place and let a pet of your choice wander around the area. Thanks to ARKit or ARCore framework they can take their digital friend anywhere! As with the original Tamagochi, these AR pets also have to be taken care of by providing them with food and entertainment.

This AR pet application can very easily become a freemium product, where we can buy additional accessories.


Create your own digital pet and have fun together!

The client wanted an augmented reality Tamagotchi. The customer follows various technological innovations and decided that thanks to ARKit or ARCore framework it is possible to create a digital pet. You can call your AR pet with your smartphone and let him explore the places where you are.


Process and project scope



Simply direct the phone to the chosen place and let your three-dimensional AR pet wander around the area. We can play with him, stroke him, feed him or let him sleep. It’s amazing fun for the little ones.


We were able to establish key fits with the client very quickly. Thanks to them a complete backlog for this application was created. We worked in Scrum and after a week of development, our client could start testing the working version of the AR pet application. In the remaining sprints, we added only the key functionalities.


Due to the client’s area of activity, we decided that it would be best to prepare applications for ARKit. The target group was also important. The app would be used mostly by a young audience.

We had to choose animals that would be the same as the products offered by our client. The AR pet app had to be easy to use, pleasant and engaging. We received all the information we needed and proposed part of the functionalities, the graphic style and an intuitive UI.

Technology stack

Augmented reality is a term for technology that allows you to connect the real-world environment with the elements (sounds, videos, graphics, or GPS data) generated by the computer.

The assumption is that all digital elements should be interactive in real-time and placed in 3D space. ARKit allows you to easily create unrivaled augmented reality experiences for your iPhone and iPad. By intelligently recognizing space, it allows you to combine digital objects and the real environment around you in completely new ways.

Tech stack for VR/AR project at 4Experience

Visual results gallery

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