Spread the breast cancer awareness

The Breast Cancer Crusade, which launched in 1992, has placed Avon at the forefront of the fight against breast cancer. The company is committed to working in partnership with charities and breast cancer experts. This time, they’ve teamed up with polish foundation Rak’n’Roll and our team, creating Booblabla – an innovative AR medical examination tool.

AR remote support app example of use 2






Facebook AR Studio


Facebook AR Studio

Visual results video

Business value

You are not too young

Younger women generally don’t consider themselves to be at risk for breast cancer. That’s because they’re mostly aware that mammography screening is offered to women aged around 45 to 70.

In fact, breast cancer can strike at any age: 5% of breast cancer cases occur in women under 40 years of age. Thus, women may ignore the warning signs— such as a breast lump or unusual discharge — because they believe they are too young to get breast cancer. This can lead to a delay in diagnosis and poorer outcomes.

Our AR medical examination app raises the awareness of breast cancer among young women as part of a fun and interactive filter, which offers them a sample of gel for any size and shape of their breasts.

Women can receive it at the nearest clinic by doing a check-up – which could save their breasts (and lives). As a part of the national campaign, it does also bring the topic of healthy breasts to social media, encouraging women to break the taboo of self-examination.


It’s your right. And your left. Check them both.

Breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer for women worldwide. And it’s increasing particularly in developing countries where the majority of cases are diagnosed in late stages. Globally, it now represents one in four of all cancer women are diagnosed with/

If it’s detected early, treatment is more successful and there’s a good chance of recovery. Yet, too many women still aren’t aware of the risks and don’t know what signs to look for, what to do and where to go if they have concerns.

Therefore, an early detection program improves prognosis. Regular screenings aim to identify individuals with an abnormality suggestive of cancer.

While working closely with Avon and Facebook on a breast cancer awareness campaign we had the chance to promote this habit by launching a mobile-friendly AR medical examination tool.


Process and project scope



We developed a functional Spark AR filter that was later available on Avon’s Facebook page. Users could decide on the shape of their breasts, then confirm a choice by nodding. After the choice was made, filter linked to their database and recommended them the best product for their cup shape and the closest clinic where they could book a free breast check-up.

Collaboration model

The customer actively participated in the production process by testing the project, sending ideas and comments daily. He also provided us with a campaign-style guide and graphics.

Technology stack

The application was developed in Facebook AR Studio and is compatible with both Android and iOS mobile devices.


Visual results gallery

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